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  • picture of Illinois Mutual CEO, Katie McCord Jenkins

    Katie McCord Jenkins inducted into Bradley University Centurion Society

    Oct 27, 2022
    Illinois Mutual President and Chairperson, Katie McCord Jenkins, was honored at Bradley University’s annual Founder’s Day Convocation
  • collage of life's moments photos

    It’s Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM)

    Aug 31, 2022
    September is Life Insurance Awareness Month!
  • video thumbnail of Illinois Mutual employee, Michael

    Illinois Mutual Releases New Simplified Issue Whole Life Product

    PRESS RELEASE: Aug 01, 2022
    Illinois Mutual gears up to launch there new Simplified Issue Whole Life Product
  • video thumbnail of Illinois Mutual employee, Louie

    Protecting your loved ones from financial burden

    Aug 01, 2022
    Many families experience financial problems with unexpected expenses after the death of a loved one, such as funeral costs, medical expenses or other outstanding debts.
  • Mutual minute logo

    Mutual Minute

    July 27, 2022
    Take a look at our policyowner newsletter, Mutual Minute, to help answer the question, “What if your last paycheck really was your last paycheck?"
  • image of MUG plan icon

    Protecting Your Paycheck Through DIAM and Beyond

    April 24, 2023
    May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM).
  • collage of heart-shaped graphics and 3 heart shaped photos showing a small business owner, a married couple with a baby and a mechanic working on a car

    Insure Your Love. Insure Your Income.

    Feb 15, 2022
    Income protection can help the people you care about by keeping food on the table and a roof over your head. Find out what it means to Insure Your Love.
  • circle shaped photo of mother and baby in snow gear with hearts around the photo

    Protect Life’s Moments – with Life Insurance!

    Feb 01, 2022
    Our lives are made up of so many special little moments—much more than just the big events we often think of, like buying a house or having children. Life insurance is there to help you insure your love and make sure your family’s moments are protected for the future.