Blending Families

grandmother with daughter and granddaughter smiling

Now more than ever we see people moving away from living with traditional nuclear families, such as having mixed generational households, adult children living with parents, or sharing custody with stepfamilies.

With many considerations happening in different life stages to different people, you don't want to overlook the importance of proper insurance planning for your family. An experienced agent can help tailor your insurance coverage to ensure all the bases are covered for your family's specific needs!

Disability Insurance

Who does your income provide for? Who would feel the strain if you were totally disabled and couldn't work? It's important to take steps to help ensure that your family's situation is not complicated by the potential loss of your entire income, so consider protecting it with disability income insurance.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is an important consideration for all families, but blended families may rely even more on each member's presence, and have a few more "what if" situations than a traditional nuclear family. With proper insurance planning, you can help ensure your family's lifestyle can continue, even if you were to pass away.